When I learned that LP presidential contender Chase Oliver had received the green light to be the first alternative party presidential candidate to speak at the famed Political Soapbox event at the Iowa State Fair, I realized that some of the local press might recognize this as a newsworthy story and give some coverage. Especially the local LGBTQ press, given that Chase happens to be gay.
So I gave some of them a heads-up about it, and one of the outlets, the Bay Area Reporter, has come out with a terrific story that goes well beyond just a short news blurb. Reporter John Ferrannini talked to and quoted not just Chase and myself, but also two of our other Libertarian presidential contenders whose names didn’t even come up in the brief conversation I had with their reporter, Lars Mapstead and Jacob Hornberger. And their online story even includes a video clip of Chase’s full talk at the soapbox event, which I’d been unable to find online!
I think Chase gave a Soapbox speech that did a solid job representing the Libertarian Party and the ideas of freedom for which we stand. Hopefully some of the folks who got a chance to see him there in Iowa, who the political gatekeepers have long denied the opportunity to hear from Libertarian candidates, felt the same. And hopefully more of the media will take a cue from the B.A.R., and give the same level of coverage to Libertarians and other independent parties and candidates that they do to those put forward by the 2-party cartel who are normally showered with attention.
Sometimes they need a little nudge though, or even just the quick tip I provided in this case. Any of us can help make news like this happen by keeping our eyes open for stories involving Libertarians, and stories that are important to the freedom movement, and letting local outlets and media people know about them. They won’t always listen, but sometimes they do. And even when they don’t, they won’t be able to honestly say later that they didn’t know!